Elanora Heights Public School

Growing Together - Teaching Leading Learning

Telephone02 9913 7283


Live life well at school

Since 2012, a dynamic parent-teacher group has led LiveLifeWell @School activities at our school to encourage healthy eating and daily physical activity.

Every day at school, we develop these important habits through Fruito-vego, the daily use of reusable water bottles, encouraging nutritious food from home and our Healthy Canteen.

The Healthy food strategy (PDF 609KB)  explains how healthy food is expected in all school activities, comparing everyday foods and occasional foods, and is in-line with the NSW Government's Healthy school canteen strategy.


Special events give the students nutritional information and culinary skills.

Rainbow Fruito-vego – twice a term we ask students to bring fruits and vegetables of a particular colour to highlight the importance of variety in our diet.


Eat a Rainbow for K-2 students - a nutritional talk followed by making an edible picture from cut fruit and vegetables prepared by parents. Students are encouraged to use all the colours of the rainbow, and try something they have never tasted before.

Make My Own Healthy Lunch (MMOL) for Years 3-6 - a nutritional lesson followed by a lunch wrap or salad jar from a smorgasbord of appetizing, healthy food prepared by parent helpers. An optional home follow-up is the Make My Own Healthy Lunch Challenge, which runs for the following 2 weeks.

Year 3 - 5 Wrap Ingredients (PDF 123KB)
Year 6 Recipes and Salad Jar Ingredients (PDF 573KB)

It is with great excitement that the video about our school's Eat A Rainbow and Make My Own Lunch, which was filmed 2018, is available for all the public to see - click link https://youtu.be/4Q2ocqh2IPw. This 3 minute video will be distributed throughout public schools as an example of what can be achieved to encourage healthy eating amongst students.
We are so proud.

How you can support LiveLifeWell@School: 

  • Send a labelled, refillable water bottle to school each day.
  • Sustaining Breakfast with protein, whole grains, fresh fruit and veg
  • Water should be the main daily drink - drinks such as juices and flavoured mineral water are best kept as occasional treats.
  • Fruito-vego - send suitable fresh fruit or vegetables every day for our mid-morning snack around 10am, in a small container.
  • Send healthy morning tea and lunch food in clearly labelled containers, minimising packaging with plastic or foil.
  • Keep an eye on the fat, salt and sugar in packaged foods.
  • Lots of daily physical activity.
  • Turn off the TV or computer and get active!
  • Join the parent/teacher group - new members are always welcome. Meet at least once a term in the Stellar Room.
  • Be a helper at Eat A Rainbow and Make My Own Lunch activities

Information handout (PDF 66KB)

For more information go to NSW Health website - Healthy Eating Active Living.

Together we can help our children be healthy, full of energy and ready to learn.