Local Support Organisations:
- A list of mental health and wellbeing organisations and resources available to parents and students (PDF 348KB)
- Parenting Resources 2021 - list of phone numbers and weblinks for help, COVID information and how to discuss, home learning, kids helplines. (PDF 486KB)
· Emotional Health @ Barrenjoey website - setup to help teenages and young adults in the Newport/Avalon area with mental health, however, it is open to anyone. It asks if you need help or someone you know needs help, gives professional services contacts, links to the Avalon Youth Hub and One Eighty's websites - run by young people for young people.
· Northern Beaches Council
A comprehensive mental health resources guide is available on the Council’s website.
· Salvation Army
The Salvo’s have a wealth of helpful support services to meet all areas of need.
· Anglicare - Dee Why: (02) 8774 7467
Anglicare Dee Why are able offer a financial assistance and food to those in need.
· Manly Warringah Women’s Resource Centre
Crisis accommodation to women and children escaping domestic violence (up to 3 months) in addition to providing case management to address their complex needs.
· Basic Bananas at North Narrabeen are offering a free small business marketing zoom workshop to help with ideas for diversification to survive lockdown uncertainty.
· C3 Cares are providing hot meals every Friday at Dee Why, in addition to groceries and other meals at Oxford Falls.
Other Support Organisations:
Raising Children website
Provides free, reliable, up-to-date and independent information to help families grow and thrive together. Contains information on COVID-19 and how to help your family cope.
eSafety website
Information on how to stay safe online during the COVID –19 pandemic
ParentLine website - 1300 130 052
Provides telephone counselling, information and referral service for parents and carers of children ages 0 to 18 who live in New South Wales
Family Referral Service website - 1800 066 757
Brings together families, support services and community resources so that our children and young people are safe and well
Coronavirus Beyondblue website - 1800 512 358
Information, advice and strategies to help you manage your wellbeing and mental health during the COVID-19 pandemic
Emerging Minds website
Resources for parents and carers to best support their children and reduce worry and distress during the COVID-19 pandemic
MATES in Construction website - 1300 642 111
MATES provides suicide prevention through community development programs on sites, and by supporting workers in need through case management and a 24/7 help line. Assists workers in the Construction, Energy and Mining industries.
Online Resources:
Parenting In a Pandemic
Founder of the internationally acclaimed Triple P – Positive Parenting Program, Professor Matthew Sanders is a world-leading parenting expert. In this podcast series, he’ll be answering your questions and providing real, actionable advice to help you steer your household through these uncharted waters. There are 20 Episodes - available across all major podcasting apps.
Parenting Strategies.net
Advice and tips for parents in managing depression and anxiety in children in children
Reach Out
Reach Out provide a vast array of practical e-tools for teens, parents, teachers, and their schools designed at helping develop skills and protective factors for greater resilience and wellbeing.
Grow Your Mind
We want to see children, families and teachers with the same awareness of looking after their mental health as they do for their physical health. We discuss topics such as brain awareness, resilience, mindfulness and compassion.
Dr. Brene Brown - Podcasts
Listen to Dr Brene Brown's series of Unlocking Us podcasts, discussing various wellbeing topics, such as Loneliness & Connection with Dr Vivek Murthy.
Lucy Foulkes guide on How to Engage With Life When You Feel Down.
Dr Chatterjee - "Everyone has the ability to feel better. I want to help you achieve that."
Tools and Resources for Student Mental Health - 45 Tools and Resources for Student Mental Health https://www.ireviews.com/student-mental-health/
Happy Families Website
Created by Child Psychologist Dr Justin Coulson, Happy Families offers lots of free parenting resources that include blog posts, feature articles, e-books, and podcasts, with particular focus on coping during Covid-19.
Tools and Apps:
Interactive site for young people to find information, share stories, videos, blogs and interviews on mental health and other topics – such as THANK TANK and MENTAL FITNESS TEST
- THANK TANK (tool for mapping out/remembering the happy things in life)
- MENTAL FITNESS TEST (‘check in’ with yourself to know where you are really ‘at’)
Interactive self-help service that aims to promote resilience and wellbeing. Track your moods, write about them and view information and tips.